- Yearly Fees can be paid in July.
- Fees can be paid in 6 installment as given below
- 1st Installment : Fees to be paid before 15th April Late fees after 15 April.
- IInd Installment : Fees to be paid before 15th July.
- IIIrd Installment : Fees to be paid before 15th August.
- IVth Installment : Fees to be paid before 15th October.
- Vth Installment : Fees to be paid before 15th December.
- VIth Installment : Fees to be paid before 15th February.
- Details of fee structure rules are given in the fee book issued to every student at the beginning of the academic year.
- If the dues are not paid in due time, the students name will automatically be struck off the roll.