Recommendation to parents / Guardians

Through a school can do a lot for a child, it cannot do everything. The home is the place where he gets his first education and training in citizenship. It Is the chief place where his character is formed and developed. School education Indeed promotes the growth of personality and helps to discover and develop the qualities that are in the children. In order to secure all that is best for the education of your child, maximum cooperation between the parents and the school authorities is necessary.

  • Parents/Guardians are requested to look into the School Diary of their ward daily and see that lessons and work assigned for the next day are done. Remarks made in the diary should be seen and counter signed regularly (note carefully the rules regarding discipline and absence).
  • Check the uniform and punctuality of your ward in the morning.
  • See that your ward carries books/note books according to the time-table for the day.
  • Encourage your ward to take a balanced interest in studies, co-curricular activities and sports.
  • Your ward should be instructed to be careful about his/her things. There should be a name tag on blazers and sweaters. Expensive articles like mobile, transistors, I-pods, Cameras etc. should not be brought to the school. In case of violation of this rule, the articles will be confiscated and will not be returned.
  • Parents guardians should not visit the class-room during the class hours except during P.T.M. For any information regarding the school, contact only the school-office during office hours.
  • Parents must intimate the school whenever their residential address or telephone numbers are changed in order to communicate to them in urgent matters, in the interest of their children.
  • Criticism of teacher(s) or his/her school in the presence of the students should be scrupulously avoided because it causes students to lose respect for his/her teacher with the consequent failure to learn from him/her. If you have a legitimate complaint, meet the Principal without fear or reprisal, after taking prior appointment.
  • As your child advances in age, guide him/her to become a resourceful and useful member of home and country. Encourage self help for work and study. He/She should be taught to keep the room tidy, make his/her own bed, polish his/her own shoes, carry his/her own bag etc. The formation of such habits early in life, inculcates in the students the idea of dignity of work a fundamental personal virtue necessary for a successful career in life.
  • Withdrawal of your child from classes for more social function is not recommended because it hinders the child's progress in school and minimizes his her respect for regular work with consequent failure to progress in his/her studies.

News and Events

26th Jan, 2018

Republic Day 2018

Republic day celebrated at St. Francis Sr. Sec School, Tanakpur

14th Nov, 2017

Childrens Day 2017

Childrens day celebrated at St. Francis Sr. Sec School, Tanakpur

15th Aug, 2017

Independance Day 2017

Independance day celebrated at St. Francis Sr. Sec School, Tanakpur